Honestly it's getting on my nerves because I can't even concentrate I'm so tired so it's not like I could write my French letters or my Irish essay because after attempting the Irish one I swear it's like half Irish half random language my head made up :')
Like seriously right now there's a curtain making diy on tv and I'm actually watching it. I've tried watching videos on YouTube but they keep buffering and I don't have the patience to wait ten seconds to watch two seconds of film for twenty minutes.
The dog's in seventh heaven right now though because he's fast asleep on my lap, which never usually happens. He's usually at the end of my bed being odd.
Okay so tomorrow I can hardly do all my work tomorrow so now I'll have to do my French now and do the essay tomorrow but I've already got the plans done so it can't be majorly hard ? My only saving grace is the fact that my business accounts aren't due til Tuesday but I think I could do without home ec Monday, between getting asignments in on time and learning the mass amount of knowledge being drilled into us at the moment I've really got to buckle down and study for exams. Buh bye social life, well Atleast that shred of what I had left of one. I really wish I could fast forward to June and just get them over and done with, its agony constantly getting lectures about exams. They really were right back in August the teachers were telling us that the year would fly and that we need to study and of course everyone scoffed at the idea but after what feels like a day it's now November and I've got a month til exams and two and a half months until pre's then it's study study study until major exams on June 4th I believe which is also annoying as I will be sitting an exam for my birthday June 9th fingers crossed it's not something I hate *cough cough* home ec.
On a lighter note I'm redecorating my room next weekend and I shal be taking a trip to ikea for the first time ever! I'm still unsure what colour though. Actually I wanted black and then to get extremely bright accessories but that got vitoed. Does anyone know any colours besides yellow-orange-red which makes rooms seem smaller?. I know it's so strange question because most people are trying to make their rooms look brighter and bigger but I'm more of a cozy person so to say. I'm deffinately painting my floor black though to match my old fashioned black metal framed bed.
I've just suddenly realised how cold I actually am, it's absolutely freezing! I might turn on the heating... Nah it'd wake the whole house up.
If anyone is up reading this I hope my weirdness has entertained you.
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